Practicing yoga for scoliosis can improve posture alignment, reduce pain, and stop the spine from curving further. Here’s how and safe poses to try.
Best Yoga for Balance of the Body, Mind & Soul
The benefits of yoga for balance go beyond perfecting one legged standing poses. In this blog, we explore powerful yoga practices that boost stability, heighten focus, and nurture holistic well-being.
Yoga for Neck Pain: Why It’s Good & a 15-Min Flow for Instant Relief
Battling with neck pain? Discover how yoga can help and a simple yoga for neck pain flow you can practice to ease tightness and provide lasting relief.
Yoga Cues: Teacher Dos & Don’ts for a Safe & Functional Class
If you are new to teaching yoga or are simply looking for some yoga cues to freshen up your class, this article will share my personal dos and don’ts and a few tips every teacher should have in their toolkit.
Guide to Yoga’s 5 Warrior Poses & How to Master the Perfect Form
The Warrior Pose, or Virabhadrasana in Sanskrit, embodies the profound power of yoga, combining strength, poise, and balance in a single asana. Read on to discover the 5 core warrior yoga poses, their benefits, and how to practice each with functional form and alignment.
Guide to Hip Opening Stretches for Strong, Tension-Free Hips
Discover the hidden source of stress relief and emotional healing in your body: your hips. Explore the transformative effects of hip opening stretches, learn about their proven benefits, and find a daily yoga sequence to cultivate strong and tension-free hips.
How to Practice Yoga Inversions Safely: Essential Guide to Getting Upside Down
In this essential guide to yoga inversions, we’ll break down the meaning of yoga inversions, benefits, potential risks, and effective inversion yoga poses with important modifications for a safer practice.
How to Use Yoga Blocks: Poses, Benefits & Pro Tips
Should you be using a yoga block? Yoga blocks can be powerful tools when used correctly. In this blog, we break down how to use yoga blocks to enhance your practice, as well as the best yoga block poses and their key benefits.
What is Yoga Anatomy – A Guide to Safe Yoga Practices
Without drowning in lists of muscles with Latin names, we can benefit from an understanding of the principles of anatomy. What do you need to know to make practice safe for yourself or your students? How do bones, muscles, joints and fascia influence yoga practice? This is your guide to yoga anatomy.
Uttanasana – Guide to Standing Forward Bend
Standing Forward Bend or Uttanasana is so common, and yet so often misunderstood. It’s not all about touching the floor. In this Uttanasana guide you can learn the benefits and risks, follow simple steps to find your best Standing Forward Bend, and elevate your practice with expert tips and variations.
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