General Conditions – Arhanta Yoga

These general conditions have been last updated on October 25th, 2022

article 1 – Definitions

In these general conditions the following terms apply:

General Conditions: The clauses mentioned in article 1 until 18.2 which form part of the study agreement between the client and Arhanta Yoga.

Arhanta Yoga: Arhanta Yoga International B.V., Arhanta Yoga Netherlands B.V., Arhanta Yoga India B.V., Arhanta Yoga Publications B.V.

Course Fees: The complete fee of the offered training including registration fee, as mentioned on the website.

Client: Any individual or any corporation following a training with Arhanta Yoga against payment of the course fees.

Consumer: Any individual acting outside of a professional or corporal activity as defined in article 6:230g part 1 sub a of the civil code (Netherlands).

Participant: The one who, different from the client, follows a training which is provided by Arhanta Yoga.

Training: A by Arhanta Yoga organized training, education, retraining or continuing education, course, workshop or any other form of education.

Educational Material: Educational material, class material or instruction material, documentation or any other material in whatever form used as a part of the training.

Request: The request by the client to Arhanta Yoga to follow a training with Arhanta Yoga.

Study Agreement: The agreement between Arhanta Yoga and the client concerning the organization of a training by Arhanta Yoga. The study agreement can be established by a long distance agreement.

Long Distance Agreement: A study agreement concluded by using exclusively one or several methods of long distance communication as stated in art. 6:230g part 1 sub e in the civil code (The Netherlands), such as electronic communication.

Digital Registration Form: The registration form made available online or by e-mail to the client in order to sign up for a training.

Electronic Communication: Digital content sent to one or several recipients of an email address as well as digital content sent from the Website.

Arhanta Yoga Exam: The exam that is an integral part of the relevant course and is executed by Arhanta Yoga.

Arhanta Yoga Exam Regulations: The education and exam regulations operative at the time of registration for a training

Circumstances Beyond Control: The disruption of the will of Arhanta Yoga to fulfill the agreement whereby this fulfillment can be temporarily or permanently prevented.

Website: The websites of Arhanta Yoga:,,,,,,,,,,,,

article 2 CRKBO (Dutch Registry for Short Professional Education) + NRTO (Dutch Council for Training and Education )

2.1 Arhanta Yoga is recognized by the CRKBO (Centraal Register Kort Beroeps Onderwijs) and meets the quality code for educational instances for short professional educations. These general conditions are in line with the general conditions and the code of conduct of the Central Register Short Professional Education.

2.2 Arhanta Yoga is a  member of the NRTO, the Dutch Council for Training and Education and meets the quality codes and operates according to the NRTO’s Code of Conduct.

article 3 Applicability

3.1 By registering for a training, the client accepts the applicability of the general conditions. Arhanta Yoga strongly rejects the applicability of the general conditions of the client, however named.

3.2 Deviations from the general conditions are impossible unless specifically agreed upon in writing between Arhanta Yoga and the client. In the general conditions, in writing means among others: any form of electronic communication.

3.3 In any circumstance which is not covered by the study agreement and the general conditions, Arhanta Yoga will make a reasonable settlement.

3.4 The (complete or partial) invalidity, ineffectiveness or conflict with the legislation or agreement(s) of one or more regulations of the general conditions doesn’t affect the validity or effectiveness of the other regulations.

article 4 – Proposal

4.1 Every proposal by Arhanta Yoga is non-committal. Arhanta Yoga publishes the proposal in writing (by publication on the website).

4.2 The proposal mentions in a clear and comprehensive manner the following information:

  1. a) The manner of executing the study agreement;
  2. b) The starting date of the training;
  3. c) Any condition under which the training might not proceed;
  4. d) If applicable: the admission requirements for the training;
  5. e) The price including all extra costs and taxes;
  6. f) The mode of payment;
  7. g) The duration of the study agreement.

4.3 Without prejudice to the statements in 4.1 and 4.2, the non-committal proposal of a long distance agreement also includes the following:

  1. a) The identity and address of Arhanta Yoga, including the visiting address of the establishment;
  2. b) The client’s right to annul the study agreement within 14 calendar days;
  3. c) The validity of the proposal

article 5 study agreement

5.1 The client is entering in a study agreement with Arhanta Yoga by registering for a training. Registration for a training takes place by e-mail through the by Arhanta Yoga provided digital registration form.

5.2 The study agreement is achieved between Arhanta Yoga and the client when Arhanta Yoga accepts the registration for a training in writing. The study agreement is considered to be achieved when Arhanta Yoga has confirmed in writing to the client the registration and the receipt of the deposit for the training. This confirmation is also valid as a proof of registration for the relevant training.

5.3 The client can at any time cancel and terminate an agreement concluded for a specific duration. Arhanta Yoga will provide the client with confirmation of this. If  there is an agreement concerning face-to-face instruction with a recorded starting date, the following cancellation provisions and early termination arrangement will apply after the end of any cooling-off period. In that case, the client pays: a reasonable fee for the work already performed, including the Start-up costs. For the sake of clarity, below you will find a summary of these costs as a percentage of the course price. These percentages relate to the maximum fee to be paid in case of cancellation by the client:

  • Cancellation within 7 days after registration does not have administration charges.
  • Cancellation until 2 months prior to commencement: 10% of the course price will be charged, anything above this will be refunded by Arhanta Yoga.
  • Cancellation between 2 months and 1 month prior to commencement: 20% of the course price will be charged, anything above this will be refunded by Arhanta Yoga.
  • Cancellation between 1 month and 2 weeks prior to commencement: 30% of the course price will be charged, anything above this will be refunded by Arhanta Yoga.
  • Cancellation less than 2 weeks prior to commencement: 50% of the course price will be charged, anything above this will be refunded by Arhanta Yoga.
  • Termination after the start date course: In the event of termination after the start date of the course, 50% (as start-up costs) of the agreed price, after deduction of study materials not yet received, plus the costs of the academic year already expired, regardless of whether you attended the meeting(s). The total costs shall never exceed the course price. In principle, the costs of the course you have already followed will be determined as follows:
    – The costs in proportion to the number of days during which the course was followed, including the current day.

5.3.1. Cancellation prior to the commencement of the face-to-face instruction, or early termination, will take place in writing, or as the case may be by electronic means.

5.3.2. For the E-learning courses provided by the Arhanta Yoga Online Academy, the annulment of the agreement is possible within 30 days (thirty days). The term of 30 days starts from the moment that the e-learning has been purchased and access to the E-learning platform has been facilitated. Annulment within 30 days is only possible if the client has accessed less than 25% of the course. If more than 25% of the course was accessed the client looses the right for annulment and refund. Manipulating the study progress by for example submitting blank assignments, skipping the lessons (e.g. completing 30 hours of video in 1 day), making excessive use of our refund option will lead to the expulsion of the  client from the e-learning platform. Arhanta reserves the right to terminate the study agreement with immediate effect, waiving any right for refund, in such a case of manipulation by the client.

5.4 The client is not authorized to transmit the rights and obligations of the study agreement to any third party.

5.5 In case of insufficient registrations for the training, Arhanta Yoga is entitled, without obligation of any compensation, to annul the study agreement at any time, either in its integrity or partially. In case of cancellation of the training, Arhanta Yoga has no obligation to compensate any damage except for the compensation of the course fees paid by the client.

5.6 These general conditions are integrally part of the general provision of information by Arhanta Yoga and will be announced explicitly to the client prior to the study agreement and placed at the disposal corresponding to article 6:234 of the Civil Code (Netherlands). At the request of the client, Arhanta Yoga will send a copy of the general conditions free of cost.

5.7 The general conditions are part of any agreement contracted with Arhanta Yoga regarding the participation of a Training.

5.8 If the client is entitled to a refund payment, Arhanta Yoga will process the refund not later than 14 days.

article 6 Exams

6.1 The Arhanta Yoga exam is an integral part of the training. The costs for the exam and the certificate are included in the course fee of the training.

6.2 Participation in the exam is only possible after completing the necessary attendance hours.

6.3 In case the participant doesn’t pass the exam, the participant is responsible for requesting a retake of the exam in time. The participant is entitled to one retake free of charge.

article 7 Payment

7.1 If the application is accepted by Arhanta Yoga, the client has to make a payment of € 200.00 (two hundred Euros).

7.2 The remaining course fees have to be paid ultimately 70 days (seventy days) prior to the starting date of the training.

7.3 Payment of the course fees in installments is possible at the request of the client, on condition that the complete course fees must be paid ultimately 2 weeks (two weeks) prior to the starting date of the course.

7.4 If the client doesn’t pay the remaining amount in time, the registration will be cancelled and the client will receive a credit note for the already paid amount of the course fee (see 6.5 for the regulations regarding credit notes).

article 8 Identification

8.1 When registering for a training, the client is obliged to register the participant with his/her complete name, as mentioned on his/ her identification card, on the digital registration form.

8.2 The client or participant who follows a training is obliged to carry a valid identification card during the meetings of the training and to show his/her identification at the request of the teacher or another functionary of Arhanta Yoga.

article 9 – Fees

9.1 The Course fees and the payment methods are mentioned on the Website.

9.2 All prices mentioned by Arhanta Yoga are including VAT.

article 10 – Liability Arhanta Yoga

10.1 Participation in a course is entirely at own risk. If Arhanta Yoga can be held liable for any damage that the participant suffers or has suffered as a consequence of the training, the liability, regardless of the basis of the liability, is in all circumstances limited to direct damage. All liability is limited to at most the sum paid by the participant for following (or letting someone follow) the training.

10.2 Liability for indirect damage such as consequential damage, delay damage, loss of profit or loss of turnover is excluded.

10.3 Arhanta Yoga is not reliable for damage to properties of the participant.

10.4 Arhanta Yoga is in no manner reliable for damage of any kind as a consequence of (potentially) incorrect or incomplete information, recommendations or advice provided in relation to the training. This includes (but is not limited to): the information, recommendations or advice provided by the teacher or through the educational material, the brochure or any other work resulting from or related to the Training.

10.5 Arhanta Yoga is not reliable if a participant doesn’t follow the (safety) instructions.

10.6 The limitation of liability described in this article extends equally to all the people under Arhanta Yoga’s responsibility (such as people who are employed by Arhanta Yoga or who are appointed by Arhanta Yoga for the execution of the study agreement).

10.7 If the client doesn’t participate himself or herself to the training but another participant does, the client is responsible to inform the participant of the regulations of the general conditions.

10.8 The accident waiver and release of liability form is part of the general conditions and the study agreement. If the client or participant doesn’t agree with the regulations stipulated there, Arhanta Yoga is entitled to not accept the client or participant for the training.

article 11 – Provision of Educational material

11.1 Arhanta Yoga provides the educational material on the first day of the training.

article 12 Absence teacher/examiner

12.1 In case of absence of a teacher or an examiner (due to sickness or impediment), Arhanta Yoga will provide an equivalent replacement if possible. If replacement would reasonably not be possible, Arhanta Yoga will inform the client as soon as possible and propose an alternative date on which the training or the exam will still take place.

12.2 In absence of a teacher or an examiner (due to sickness or impediment), the client is not entitled to receive (damage) restitution. Arhanta Yoga will not charge any extra costs for providing substitute training days or a substitute exam due to the absence or a teacher or an examiner.

12.3 Arhanta Yoga is not reliable in case of circumstances beyond control.

article 13 Confidentiality

13.1 Arhanta Yoga, its staff and people working for Arhanta Yoga will treat the information provided by the client or participant as confidential. On this matter, Arhanta Yoga is conforming to the valid privacy legislation.

article 14 Personal information

14.1 Arhanta Yoga processes the personal information provided by the client or participant conforming to the privacy policy available on the website.

article 15 Intellectual property rights

15.1 All intellectual property rights, including the copyright, concerning the by Arhanta Yoga provided and compiled educational material (excluding books available in the market) are with Arhanta Yoga. Nothing from these publications can be multiplied or made public without written approval by Arhanta Yoga.

article 16 – Modification of the general conditions

16.1 The general conditions can be modified by Arhanta Yoga. Announcement of the modification takes place through personal communication or through general communication on the website.

article 17 Complaint Procedure

17.1 In case a client or participant has a dispute with or complaint about Arhanta Yoga the client or participant firstly has to submit the dispute or complaint to Arhanta Yoga. If the client or participant doesn’t regard this as possible or desirable, the client or participant will submit the dispute or complaint conforming to the complaint procedure of Arhanta Yoga. The detailed complaint settlement and complaint procedure can be consulted on:

17.2 To the study agreement applies exclusively the Dutch law. The Dutch judge has exclusive legislative power over disputes or liability as a result of the legal relationship of the study agreement, considering the regulations under 18.1 of the general conditions.

article 18 – Dispute settlement rules
18.1 The agreement is governed by the law of the Netherlands, unless on the basis of mandatory legal provisions the law of another country applies.

18.2 Disputes between the client and Arhanta Yoga regarding the coming into effect or the performance of agreements with regard to the services and items delivered or to be delivered by the entrepreneur, can be submitted by the client as well as Arhanta Yoga to the Disputes Committee for Private Educational Institutions; further information can be found at:

18.3 The Disputes Committee will only accept a dispute if the client has submitted a complaint in accordance with the provisions of article 17 to the entrepreneur and this has not resulted in a solution that is satisfactory for both parties.

18.4 A dispute must be submitted to the Disputes Committee within twelve months after submitting the complaint in accordance with the provisions of article 17.

18.5 A payment will be owed for dealing with a dispute.

18.6 If you submit a dispute to the Disputes Committee, Arhanta Yoga will be bound by this choice.

18.7 If Arhanta Yoga wants to submit a dispute to the Disputes Committee, Arhanta Yoga must first request in writing that the client states within 5 weeks whether the client agrees to this. Arhanta Yoga must thereby announce that he will consider himself to be free after the expiry of the aforesaid period to submit the dispute to the regular court.

18.8 The Disputes Committee will make a decision with due observance of the provisions
of the regulations applicable to it. The decision of the Disputes Committee will take place by means of binding advice.

18.8 Exclusively in those cases of formal education for which binding legal dispute settlement rules have been provided, such as those for examination of the student, the provisions of subclauses 2 up to and including 8 of this article will not apply.

ARHANTA YOGA INTERNATIONAL BV – Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number 57961107 | VAT number: NL826150986B01

ARHANTA YOGA NETHERLANDS BV – Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number 72892021 | VAT number: NL826150986B01

ARHANTA YOGA INDIA BV – Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number 72892099 | VAT number: NL826150986B01

ARHANTA YOGA PUBLICATIONS BV – Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number 72892145 | VAT number: NL826150986B01

Sinderenseweg 66, 7065BL Sinderen, The Netherlands, T: +31 618504823, E:,, Kvk: 57961107, VAT: NL852811421B01