200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum
The course structure
The Arhanta Yoga teacher certification course is spread over four weeks of intensive yoga training covering 240 hours in total. The yoga teacher training program is carefully designed to provide you with-in-depth knowledge of yoga, vedic philosophy, detailed correction and modification techniques, and useful anatomy and physiology. All of the knowledge is presented to you in a very systematic manner. The course curriculum meets and exceeds the international teacher training curriculum requirements.
The courses are conducted at the Arhanta Yoga ashram India and the Arhanta Yoga ashram the Netherlands, Europe where you will learn and study following the ancient Indian system of study i.e. The Gurukul system. This system is based on the philosophy that the student lives and studies with fellow students at the residential study center.
This system helps to build a strong bond of trust and dedication between the teachers and the students, and facilitates a smooth flow and proper understanding of the teachings. Staying at the ashram for four weeks also helps the students to take a step back from distractions outside and completely focus and learn at their optimum potential.
06:00 am | Meditation and Pranayama |
07: 15 am | Breakfast |
08:15 am | How to Teach |
11:30 am | Lunch |
12:00 pm | Karma Yoga |
01:00 pm | Lecture |
03:15 pm | Asana Practice |
05:30 pm | Dinner |
07:00 pm | Evening program |
08:00 pm | Herbal Tea |
09:30 pm | Lights out |
Curriculum overview
The study program in India and the Netherlands is the same.
The early morning satsang starts with breathing exercises, meditation, mantra chanting and kirtan (singing).
Yoga asana and breathing exercises
The course covers 21 foundational asanas in complete, very detail including the proper alignment, important benefits, counter indications, precautions, individual adjustments, corrections, and modifications as well as different variations. Furthermore, the course teaches additional 170 asanas including 84 beginners asanas.
The course also covers the three main Bandhas, eight advanced breathing exercises, pregnancy yoga, yoga for children, and yoga for elderly and for people with limited movements. In the morning, the How to teach class explains the skills and techniques for teaching yoga. The students learn the most effective way to explain the yoga asanas and give accurate corrections and modifications of the asanas suited to each individual. You will also learn the most efficient communication and motivation techniques. In this class, you will also practice teaching in groups. The additional 40 hours are provided for this class in addition to the 200 hours of yoga training.
Karma Yoga
Karma Yoga is practiced daily for one hour. Karma Yoga includes volunteer work or selfless service.
Main lecture
The main philosophy lecture is the eye-opener in the yoga teacher training. It explains the ancient yogic philosophies in the light of a modern point of view. The ancient philosophies are discussed and accessed in an interrogative way in order to properly understand their true meaning and importance. This class clears most of the questions about the Self, the soul, the mind, and the purpose of life etc.
Chanting is part of Bhakti Yoga. Chanting is practiced daily in the morning and evening satsangs. You will learn various bhajans and Vedic mantras in this session. Chanting instantly calms the mind and brings a state of tranquility.
Group discussions
There are often group discussions during satsang, in which students are asked to share their life experiences, their fears and thoughts on various topics like anger, love, compassion etc. These sessions help you to discover new ideas as well as to overcome the fear of talking in front of groups.
Curriculum details
See how what is covered in the six modules and what each module is about.
170 classical yoga asanas |
How to teach 84 classical poses and 21 basic classical Hatha Yoga poses in precise detail, as well as the Sun Salutation? |
How to create a proper class environment? |
Important pointers on teaching a yoga class |
Basic structure of a yoga class |
Basic structure of the beginner’s course |
Yoga asana variations for beginners and elementary levels |
Kids Yoga |
Yoga asana modifications for elderly people and people with limited movements |
Yoga for pregnant women |
How and when to modify asanas? |
Deep relaxation / Yoga Nidra |
Abdominal breathing |
Full yogic breath |
Anulom Vilom |
Eight advanced pranayama |
Three Bandhas: Jalandhara, Moola, Uddiyana |
Surya Kriya, Chandra Kriya |
What is meditation? |
Meditation vs Concentration |
Why meditate? |
Guide to proper meditation |
Different methods and steps to meditation |
What are mantras? |
Mantra initiation and chanting |
Raja Yoga |
Bhakti Yoga |
Karma Yoga |
Jnana Yoga |
Kundalini Yoga |
Awakening of the Kundalini shakti |
Common obstacles in the path of Kundalini awakening |
Three main nadis: Ida, Pingla, Sushumna |
Seven chakras |
Aim and meaning of yoga |
Five principles of yogic practice |
Four paths of yoga |
Eight Limbs of Raja Yoga |
Seven stages of awareness |
Three gunas – Sattva, Rajas, Tamas |
Maya, Prakriti, Brhaman, Avidya |
Atman, Parmataman, Jiva |
Three bodies; physical, astral, spiritual |
Four inner instruments; mind, intellect, subconscious, ego |
Working of the mind |
Five major and five minor pranas |
Eight main body systems |
Spine and its common disorders |
Difference between yoga and other physical exercises |
Injury prevention and cures |
Alignments, adjustments and modifications |
Yoga as therapy |
What is Ayurveda? |
Yogic diet |
Effect of diet, nutrition and lifestyle on body and mind |
Body types and suitable diets |
The law of action and reaction |
The law of compensation |
The law of retribution |
Destiny, self-effort and free will |
Purpose of birth and rebirth |
Psychology of a teacher |
Psychology of a student |
Correction and guidance techniques |
Motivation techniques |
Communication techniques |
Structuring and planning the classes and workshops |
Ethical guidelines for a yoga teacher |
How to set up your yoga business or yoga studio? |
How to: find a location, advertise and promote, and get renewals? |
Common fallback and mistakes and how to avoid them |
Practical tips for the smooth running of a yoga school / yoga studio |
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