Our bodies are remarkable networks of energy. Just as we have arteries carrying blood to every cell, we also have nadis—subtle channels that distribute prana (life force energy) throughout our being.
While we can't see these pathways with our eyes, ancient yogic texts have mapped thousands of them in the astral (energy) body. The three main channels—Sushumna along the spine, Ida on the left, and Pingala on the right—play an important role in how we move, breathe, and experience life. Not only that, but they are also key to awakening a powerful dormant energy, known as Kundalini Shakti.
If you’re new to nadis, keep reading to understand their meaning, functions, and how to properly purify Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna for Kundalini awakening.
What Are Nadis?
Nadi means “tube” or “channel” in Sanskrit. In yoga and Ayurvedic tradition, nadis are subtle energy pathways that weave through our astral body carrying prana (life force energy).
These channels connect at important energy centers called chakras, creating a dynamic network that influences our whole system. Think of it as an invisible web of energy flowing through your body, supporting your physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance.
When nadis flow freely, we often feel energized, focused, and in harmony. But when they become blocked, we might notice physical tension, foggy thoughts, or emotional heaviness. This is why many yoga practices focus on keeping these energy pathways clear and active.
How Many Nadis Are There?
According to classical Hatha Yoga, there are around 72,000 nadis, or astral tubes, located in the energy body.
The three primary types of nadis are Sushumna, Ida and Pingala. Just like the chakras, we can purify and stimulate these channels through pranayama and other yogic practices. The results can be transformative, bringing balance to our lives and even activating a powerful energy within.
Nadis & Kundalini Awakening
Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna play a special role in awakening a transformative energy stored in our body, known as Kundalini Shakti. “Kundal” means “coiled” and “Shakti” means power, together they represent a condensed coiled energy believed to hold our deepest potential for vitality, consciousness, and transformation.
Yoga tradition depicts Kundalini as a coiled snake, resting at the Root Chakra (Muladhara), waiting to be awakened. Through dedicated practice of yoga, we can gradually invite this energy to rise up and flow through our energy system.
A Kundalini awakening is also a transformative experience that marks the beginning of enlightenment—the primary goal of yoga. (Keep reading to discover how.)
3 Nadis in Yoga Explained

On either side of Sushumna Nadi lie two channels that work together to create balance in both body and mind: Ida and Pingala.
Images often depict Ida and Pingala Nadi as two single channels winding up the spine in a crisscrossing pattern. However, just as our arteries and veins create an intricate network throughout the body, these nadis actually form a complex web of energy pathways that travel far beyond the spine.
Let's take a closer look at the three primary nadis and how they influence our well-being.
Pingala Nadi: Solar Channel
Often called the Sun or Solar Channel, Pingala Nadi carries warming, energizing prana through the energy system.
Although both Pingala and Ida Nadi run throughout the body, we associate Pingala with the right side. This dynamic channel is said to start at the subtle level in the Root Chakra, travelling all the way up to the Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna). It works in perfect balance with its cooling, masculine partner, Ida Nadi, while running parallel to the central channel, Sushumna Nadi.
Energetic Qualities
In yoga philosophy, Pingala Nadi carries the sun's radiant energy through our system. This channel resonates with warmth and brightness, embodying masculine or “yang” qualities. Like the rising sun, it brings warmth and vitality to our whole system.
While invisible to the eye, Pingala Nadi can influence our energy, mood, and vitality. When this channel is open and flowing freely, you may experience:
- Naturally elevated energy
- A sense of purpose and drive
- Mental clarity and focus
- Confidence in decision-making
- Motivation to take action
Ida Nadi: Lunar Channel
Ida Nadi is the Lunar Channel. Like gentle moonlight, this subtle energy brings a cooling, calming influence to our system.
Flowing along the left side of your spine, Ida begins at the Root Chakra and rises to meet Pingala at the Third Eye Chakra. This pathway runs parallel to the Sushumna Nadi, carrying lunar energy that balances the warm, solar energy of Pingala.
Energetic Qualities
Ida Nadi embodies yin energy and feminine qualities like attentiveness, intuition, and stillness. Just as the moon brings cooling, calm energy to the night, this channel brings similar qualities to our body and mind.
When your Ida Nadi flows freely, you may experience:
- Mental clarity
- Clear intuition
- Deep relaxation
- Emotional balance
- Improved sleep quality
Connected to the parasympathetic nervous system, a balanced Ida Nadi also helps us shift from doing to being. This supports our capacity for rest and renewal.
Sushumna Nadi: Central Channel
Sushumna Nadi connects the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra. It can be compared to the central spinal cord. When Ida and Pingala are purified, the pranas can move with full flow. This opens the energy knots in Sushumna Nadi, providing an open passage for prana and access to the stored Kundalini energy in the Root Chakra.
Sushumna runs straight through the center of your being, creating a direct path from the root of your spine to the crown of your head. Along this central channel lie the seven main energy centers (chakras). While Ida and Pingala weave along either side, Sushumna forms the primary pathway for awakening our dormant Shakti energy.
Energetic Qualities
Sushumna brings harmony between the cooling lunar energy of Ida and the warming solar energy of Pingala. When energy flows freely through this central channel, we experience a rare balance where opposites merge into wholeness.
When Sushumna Nadi is active, we can experience:
- Deep inner peace
- Heightened awareness
- Unity of mind and body
- Spiritual awakening
Yoga philosophy suggests that Sushumna opens fully only when Ida and Pingala Nadi come into perfect balance. This awakening isn't something to force or rush—it happens naturally through dedicated yoga practice.
How to Purify the Nadis & Awaken Kundalini Energy

Kundalini awakening is only possible when the physical and astral bodies are purified. There are no shortcuts to this process. Once these energy channels are clear and active, you’ll be able to give rise to Shakti energy and enhance your energetic, physical, and spiritual well-being.
Swami Sivananda named four steps to purify and activate the nadis for Kundalini awakening.
1. Guidance
Working with an experienced teacher is essential on any spiritual path, especially when exploring yoga's deeper practices. A skilled teacher sees what we cannot, clarifies our understanding when we're confused, and helps us build a strong foundation while keeping our practice safe.
Most importantly, they help us stay grounded as we explore subtle aspects of yoga. This kind of guidance creates not just structure, but the trust and support needed for true transformation.
2. Yogic Diet
The food we eat deeply influences our well-being. Holistic nutrition that focuses on light, clean eating helps clear our mind and energize our body, while heavy, processed food tires us and clouds the mind with rajasic and tamasic thoughts.
Yoga suggests a sattvic diet of fresh, wholesome foods—typically plant-based meals with plenty of vegetables, fruits, grains, and healthy fats. The key is finding a balanced way of eating that makes you feel clear, energized, and focused.
3. Detachment
A clear and steady mind leads the way to a deeper spiritual practice. This comes naturally as we learn to observe our habits, reactions, and attachments without being caught up in them. When we're not so easily influenced by outer distractions, we create space for inner growth.
4. Asanas & Pranayama
Regular yoga practice—including yoga asanas, pranayama, mantras, bandhas, and meditation—helps purify Ida and Pingala Nadis, allowing prana to flow more freely through our central channel.
Simple breathing techniques like Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) and yogic cleansing practices like Shat Kriyas can also help clear and balance these channels.
Final Thought
Just as rivers bring life to a forest, nadis carry vital energy through you. With regular practice of yoga and pranayama, you can begin to naturally clear these subtle pathways, discovering emotional balance, physical well-being, and in time, profound spiritual awareness.
If you feel drawn to understand this essential part of yoga, we explore both the practical teachings and ancient philosophy of yoga in our 200-Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training, online and in-person.
Arhanta Yoga Ashram. Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Manual. In 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training (Day 11-11.3 Philosophy). Arhanta Yoga Online.

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